
CCNO Ludwigsfelde

Ludwigsfelde, Germany

Project Description

Chefs Culinar wants to create more than 450 new jobs on a 15-hectare site in the Eichspitze industrial park in Ludwigsfelde. The planned property is the new construction of a wholesale warehouse, consisting of a production hall, an administration building, a dry warehouse, a deep-freeze warehouse, a technological building, a goods receiving department, and a warehouse for empties.


The entire object comprises approx. 63.000 sqm gross floor area.

Our Work

We delivered structural design services for work stages 4-5, including the detailed design and coordination of the production hall, administration building, warehouses, and other related facilities.


We also created the workshop design for precast elements and provided BIM services to streamline the design process and ensure smooth integration throughout the 63,000 sqm site.


Ludwigsfelde, Germany

Gross Floor Area

63.000 sqm


  • Structural Design, work stage 4-5 (LP4-5)
  • Workshop Design for Precast Elements
  • BIM Services


Industrial Projects





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